Ultrasonic Cleaning

What is Ultrasonic Cleaning?

Ultrasonic cleaning is a process that uses ultrasound (usually from 20–40 kHz) to agitate a fluid with or without heating. The ultrasound can be used with just water, but use of a solvent appropriate for the object to be cleaned and the type of soiling present enhances the effect. Cleaning normally lasts between three and six minutes, but can also exceed 20 minutes, depending on which object has to be cleaned.

Ultrasonic cleaners are used to clean many different types of objects, including  jewelry, scientific samples, lenses and other optical parts, watches, dental and surgical instruments, tools, coins, fountain pens, firearm components, car and motorcycle fuel injectors, musical instruments, carburetors,  industrial machine parts and electronic equipment. They are used in many jewelry workshops, watchmakers establishments, electronic repair workshops and scientific labs.

More Info:

We use this to clean carburetors after they are taken apart and ready for the rebuild. Also good for cleaning engine internals before re-assembly.  It will clean out all micro passages and leave the aluminum looking like new.  It will not remove any type of corrosion, vapor honing will take care of that.  After Vapor Honing, we will run the carbs back through the ultrasonic to make sure all passages are clean.

We charge $20/hr with no minimum

Our Equipment:

Crest 6 gallon Ultrasonic (carbs only)

Vevor 22 Liter Ultrasonic (engine/ greasy parts)


Simple Green Extreme Aircraft and Precision Cleaner


long beach vapor hone ultrasonic cleaners