Zinc Plaiting

What is Zinc Plating?

Zinc plating is primarily used to protect metals from corrosion effects. Zinc coatings prevent corrosion of protected metal by forming a physical barrier and acting as a sacrificial anode - even when this barrier is damaged. Zinc and iron/steel are joined and placed in an electrolyte, a cell is formed, in which the zinc becomes the anode and the steel the cathode. Then, the zinc is sacrificed, and the steel does not rust.

When exposed to the atmosphere, zinc reacts with oxygen, forming zinc oxide, which further reacts with water molecules in the air to form zinc hydroxide. In turn, zinc hydroxide reacts in the atmosphere with carbon dioxide to yield a thin, impermeable, tenacious and quite insoluble dull gray layer of zinc carbonate, which adheres to the underlying zinc, further protecting it from corrosion.

More Info:

Why would you sit there and waist your time de-greasing your hardware and parts, then wire wheeling them clean just to rust the second you go out into the open air??  You do not need to pre-clean your parts before coating! Heavy dirt or grime gets cleaned off by the platers before the zinc process.

  • You can not plate aluminum
  • Or chromed parts (unless chrome is stripped before coating).
  • You can plate stainless steel!
  • We can plate large or small parts

Cost is $140/ batch (shoe box size filled)


3 Different colors:


Yellow/ Gold

Clear/ Blue


long beach vapor hone zinc plating